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Music, Prayer & Chant: The Project Spirit IsReal

Spirit IsReal

Project Spirit IsReal is about taking ancient Hebrew prayers and combining them with music and rhythms from all over the world: Indian Varanasi, Middle Eastern Sufi, trance, or chants from Brazil are just a small portion of the wide variety of musical influences of the project. read more…

This project was envisioned and initiated by Marc in 2003.

He turned to Gabriel Meyer whom Marc had invited to share space in creating the beautiful energy that became the Kabbalat Shabbot and Shabbot morning prayer during the first two years of the movement. Gabriel and Marc co- led several dozen prayer services over a several year period of time. The key architects of the cd were initially R. Marc, Gabriel and X from the Sheva band in Israel.

Marc had nothing to do with the musical dimension of the cd. {Which is probably why it is so good R. Marc is neither a musician nor an arranger nor a singer. Although he loves to sing chant and pray.

Gabriel and X are all of the above and gorgeously gifted at each; each in their own way.

Initially R. Marc picked the songs for the cd with Gabriel based on the songs which had become part of Kabbalat Shabbot services which they co- led, R. Marc shared Tora Dharma on the cd and wrote a booklet of Torah and stories to accompany it which goes which each cd. The lay person whom Marc asked to oversee the project was no less then the infinitely talented and profound Israeli singer and record label owner Suzy Rogovin. Susy oversaw every stage of the project. Suzy has been a good friend, student and close advisor of R. Marc for over a decade.

Suzy’s taste and elegance created the beautiful packaging of cd. At the end of the process at R. Marc’s request, Suzy actually stepped in and saved the cd which had run into budgetary plans by buying it and adding it to her record label Primary Music.

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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator