The unfolding of the spirit, as are all great truths, is em-bodied in the human form. All you need do is look at the revolutions of change you undergo physically in a lifetime. The fetus with its tail becomes the scrawny screaming infant becomes the bulbous toddler becomes the tawny slender teen becomes the deepening young adult becomes the baggy middle-aged becomes the line stricken, dry and bony elder sage. All these are radically different figures. One of the great revelations of modern medicine is that the body completely changes all of its cells…
With what speed the body grows and how it heals, how the cells strive forward with a gusto. I am not that body, I am not that gawky being that I was in junior high. I am not even that being I was yesterday. Nor are you. Who are you anyway? The other morning my wife woke me up early, peering into my face, asking, “You are not the person who was here last night. Who are you anyway?!” It can be a very simple yet striking moment of satori to look at your all too familiar mate sitting in the recliner next to you and realize the person next to you is not who he was the day before. To peer into their peerless face and wonder, “Who are you anyway?”
marc gafni
posted on marc
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