ps. on yesterdays blogs…
The goal is to commit adultery with your wife. I know literally tens of spiritual teachers who have at one time or another not succeeded in this goal. I know tens of spiritual teachers – those very same ones – who have worked this territory- some arriving and realizing deep internal evolution and transformation and some not. I also know many spiritual teachers who have been “loyal” to their partner in a certain technical sense but have been terribly abusive in other ways. So this is not about casting stones- it is about an invitation to the highest evolution that each of us can reach.
For me personally the search for great love and partnership has been the grail quest of my life.
It has led me and others to the greatest sweetness as well as to great pain in experiencing the wounds of love.
Through it all my heart remains open. I remain in the core of my being a lover. An evolved and evolving and refined Love is the living presence and animating force of my daily life.
This is grace to which i can only respond fully prostrate in gratitude.
The yearning for a rebuilt Temple is not an artist or carpenter’s fantasy. It is rather the dream of a world in which raw Eros, today exiled to illicit sexuality, will be accessed in the context of committed relationships. This text suggests that at least one of the goals of Temple consciousness is ‘to commit adultery…with your wife..
The goal is to move beyond the need for stolen waters. To be able to access the full power and passion of the sensual within the context of your own highest story; where your own waters are satisfying and sweet.
marc gafni
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