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Marc Gafni – Emptiness and Addictions

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Marc Gafni – Emptiness and Addictions

Marc Gafni
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Eros is about feeling the fullness of being, the opposite of emptiness. Every human being has met emptiness; that feeling we experience in the late night, home alone or in the hotel room we return to after a long day’s work on a business trip. We enter the room and are often overwhelmed by intense feelings of emptiness. It makes me wonder if the originators of MTV had this in mind when they named their station something that sounds precisely like EmptyTV. For that’s what we do in the void. We flip on the cable or order up dinner and entertainment — anything to not stay in the emptiness. Indeed the sentence that I probably repeat to my students more than any other is “Life is what you do with your emptiness”.

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator