“It is a time to fix divinity. To create God. God is created by revealing the infinite divine in every person. God’s name is emptied when people live without having their names recognized; without being called by name. So the wisdom masters decree, ‘Greet every man with the Name.’ The name of God and the name of the blessed and beautiful individual before you. One and the same. This is the message we convey in greeting. Shalom really means ‘I receive your name as being infinitely unique and special. I receive your name as the name of God.'” by Dr. Marc Gafni
Photo and quote submitted by Adael Bullock.
Elizabeth Helen Adael Bullock is a Center for Integral Wisdom Senior Editor and empowered Senior Teacher of Unique Self. Adael has been trained in Introductory and Advanced Shalom Retreat Leadership Process. She has also completed training in Tantra, 5 Rhythms, Insight and Metta meditation, creative writing, and Integral Theory. Adael is c
urrently editing the CIW think-tank book Teachings from the Holy of Holies: Daily Reflections on World Spirituality.