Every human being has a particular set of gifts that they can offer in the world. What are your unique gifts? The nature of the gift, like the perspective held by every human being, is utterly unique. The ability to offer this gift freely in the world depends on our ability to free ourselves of limiting and false notions of who we are, and identify with our larger service. Some of our gifts are modest, private and intimate–some are larger than life and have dramatic impact in the public sphere. However, every Unique Gift arises and may be offered in all four quadrants. From a non-dual perspective, your unique gift creates your unique obligation. In the language of one teacher of Unique Self, Man’s deed is God’s need.
God needs your service. God, in the first, second and third person, needs your service. To live your Unique Self and offer your Unique Gifts is to align yourself with the evolutionary impulse and fulfill your evolutionary obligation as a Lover.
Living as an Evolutionary Lover is the passionate path of the New Enlightenment. The way you make this path real and alive in your life is by identifying and giving your Unique Gifts. Buddhism teaches the Enlightenment of Emptiness. To do this you must dis-identify with you personality story. And this is fully half the story.
The second half of the story is the Enlightenment of Fullness. To realize the enlightenment of fullness you must fully inhabit, embody and Live Your Story.
There are four key steps in this process:
These four steps and the practices that take you there are the path to the Enlightenment of Fullness.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
These practices are part of an emergent World Spirituality, implicitly practiced by people across the globe and are now being articulated and consciously evolved, as Spirit’s next audacious and necessary move.
In World Spirituality, we move beyond the ethnocentric traditions, embrace their best medicines, integrate then with the deepest and most powerful insights of modernity and post modernity – all set in an evolutionary context of joy and responsibility — and there you have it, the Eros and Urgency of Spirit seeking to emerge in the practices of our lives, beyond the religions, as a World Spirituality based on Integral Principles.
Join us at the leading edge — with radical humility and gentle audacity — as we catalyze the practice community of Integrity and Love that we all hope for and all need to make our lives an evolutionary triumph!
A discussion thread will open immediately following each class in this series. You will need to have a login to our World Spirituality Online Community to participate in the weekly discussion thread. This discussion thread is part of a larger, Private Group for members of this tele-course. Dr. Marc will be participating in this group weekly, giving you even more access to this profound new teaching.
Each week Dr. Marc will present an assignment. This will be announced weekly in the Private Group and this space will be used to engage with others exploring the same topic. Each week you will engage practices and techniques to assist you in identifying your unique gifts.
About Dr. Marc Gafni
Dr. Marc Gafni holds his doctorate from Oxford University and has direct lineage in Kabbalah. He is a Rabbi, spiritual artist, teacher, and a leading visionary in the emerging World Spirituality movement. He is a co-founder of iEvolve: The Center for World Spirituality, a scholar at the Integral Institute, and the director of the Integral Spiritual Experience, as well as a lecturer at John F. Kennedy University. The author of seven books, including the national bestseller Soul Prints and Mystery of Love, Gafni’s teaching is marked by a deep transmission of open heart, love and leading edge provocative wisdom. Gafni is considered by many to be a visionary voice in the founding of a new World Spirituality and one of the great mind/heart teachers of the generation. |
This vital and virtual course will include the latest technology by Maestro Conference to bring dynamic group interactions to our telecourse.
Our telecourse includes:
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