Daphne Rose Kingma, author of The Future of Love, gave an inspiring keynote address at Integral Spiritual Experience 2. After our annual week-long practice retreat, Dr. Marc Gafni and Daphne Rose Kingma came together again to discuss the next step of the journey–how do we navigate the post-conventional territory of love?
The postmodern revolution raised our expectations for love and intimacy–now many of us want to find a “soulmate”, not a mere spouse. The sexual revolution changed the context of commitment in relationships–a series of monogamous relationships is the new norm for many of us. And spiritual awakening changes the very definition of love–if you love everyone, how is your love for your beloved in any way “special”, and how does it meet his or her need to be adored and cherished? Human love dwells in the in-between zone of human paradox, yet it needs a spiritual and an evolutionary context. Love is not only about fulfillment, it is also about self-sacrifice and giving.
So what are the five principles for navigating the post-conventional territory of love? You’ll just have to tune-in to find out!
Five Principles for Navigating the Post-Conventional Territory of Love
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Daphne Rose Kingma is an undisputed expert on matters of the heart. She is the author of ten books on love and relationships, including The Future of Love: The Power of Soul in Intimate Relationships. Dubbed “The Love Doctor” by the San Francisco Chronicle, she has been a six-time guest on Oprah. Her work has been featured on hundreds of radio programs, as well as in newspapers and magazines throughout the country.Dr. Marc Gafni holds his doctorate from Oxford University and has direct lineage in Kabbalah. He is a Rabbi, spiritual artist, teacher, and a leading visionary in the emerging World Spirituality movement. He is a co-founder of iEvolve: The Center for World Spirituality, a scholar at the Integral Institute, and the director of the Integral Spiritual Experience, as well as a lecturer at John F. Kennedy University. The author of seven books, including the national bestseller Soul Prints and Mystery of Love, Gafni’s teaching is marked by a deep transmission of open heart, love and leading edge provocative wisdom. Gafni is considered by many to be a visionary voice in the founding of a new World Spirituality and one of the great mind/heart teachers of the generation. |