Enacting a World Spirituality: Evolutionary Love, Eros, and Holiness:
Marc Gafni & Marcy Baruch
April 15th – April 17th
Manitoba, Canada
Register: sacredbridges@shaw.ca
First Saturdays: World Spirituality Service & Celebration
Marc Gafni, Decker Cunov, Dustin DiPerna, & Marcy Baruch
May 7th, June, 4th, July 2nd
San Francisco, CA
Integrales Conference: The Future of Love
Marc Gafni
June 24th – June 26th
Berlin, Germany
World Spirituality Annual Practice Retreat of Love and Activism
Evolutionary Integral Relationships
Marc Gafni, Warren Farrell, Sally Kempton, Decker Cunov, Dustin DiPerna, & Marcy Baruch
July 17th – July 24th
Berkeley, CA
Wisdom School: Evolutionary Love, Intimacy and Activism
Marc Gafni
July 28th – July 31st
New York, NY
Falling in Love with the Divine: Devotion and Tantra of the heart
with Marc Gafni and Sally Kempton
October 14th – 16th
Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA
Articulating a World Spirituality: The Integral Imperative of Spirit in our Time
with Dr. Marc Gafni, Michael Pergola
October 28th – 30th
Integral Spiritual Experience 3
with Ken Wilber, Dr. Marc Gafni, Sally Kempton, Andrew Cohen, Diane Hamilton, Michael Dowd, Sofia Diaz, Junpo Roshi & more!
December 28th – January 1, 2012
Asilomar Retreat Center
Pacific Grove, CA