Evolving a World Spirituality is the urgent need and great adventure of our time…The yearning to articulate a World Spirituality is rippling across the globe in the hearts and minds of tens of millions of people. They are searching for the “pattern that connects”-a compelling universal set of spiritual principles by which they can live, yet cannot find within the confines of conventional religious institutions. For some people, the classical religions have lost their power. They seek a path of practice and commitment that transcends the traditions. For others, their intuitive desire is to transcend and include the traditions. They seek to live as dual citizens, rooted in their tradition, even as they locate themselves as citizens in the broader community of World Spirituality. It is now possible not only to be a dual citizen of two countries, but also to remain committed to one’s native religion or chosen spiritual tradition while at the same time being a citizen of World Spirituality.Join us for this groundbreaking series of dialogues with six of the cutting-edge teachers and innovators of our time, representing diverse religions and spiritual traditions, as we explore this timely subject.
All lectures are 7:00 PM-9:00 PM
CIIS Main Building
1453 Mission Street, San Francisco
Full Series: $90/$60 members and CIIS Community
Per Evening: $18/$12 members and CIIS Community
February 3: Claudio Naranjo — Thoughts on an Integral Spirituality Curriculum
February 17: Andrew Harvey — The World Crisis and Sacred Activism
February 24: Matthew Fox — Mystics and Prophets: Pushing the Restart Button on Christianity
March 18: Reginald Ray — Beyond Buddhism to the Spirituality of the World
April 7: Tami Simon — Many Voices, One Journey
April 28: Roger Walsh and Frances Vaughan — Essential Spiritual Practices for Everyday Life