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World Spirituality Annual Practice Retreat of Love and Activism | July 17th – 24th

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Events with Marc Gafni » World Spirituality Annual Practice Retreat of Love and Activism | July 17th – 24th


Calling all agents of World Spirituality…

Marc Gafni
World Spirituality
Sally Kempton
Kashmir Shavism
Warren Farrell
Men’s Work

Terry Patten

Integral Practice
Decker Cunov
Dustin DiPerna
Integral Religion

World Spirituality Annual Practice Retreat of Love and Activism

Evolutionary Integral Relationships

7 Days | 7 Teachers | 49 Modules

July 17th – July 24th | Berkeley, California

The goals of this event are simple and clear: to practice love and relationships in an evolutionary context.

Everything we do in the iEvolve: Center for World Spirituality context serves the activist intention of reconstructing a context of meaning, commitment, and profound pleasure, which is a sustainable path of joy and responsibility for the hundreds of millions of people in the world who can no longer find their exclusive home in one of the old religions.

The explicit intention for our seven days together is to create a space of deep practice and community which facilitates significant spiritual breakthroughs for individual participants, for the collective intelligence of the World Spirituality community, in the evolution of consciousness for the sake of all sentient beings.

Emerging from the deepest insights and practices of the great traditions, merged with leading edge insights from neuroscience, psychology, and all the modern and post-modern ways of knowing, we are enacting a trans-lineage World Spirituality.

The Enlightenment Practice method we will deploy is what we refer to as the Three Faces of Love or sometimes we call it the Three Faces of God. We will practice being God in the first person (Buddha) God in Second Person (Sangha, Relationship) and God in the third Person, through unfolding the largest map of reality that connects all the dots (Dharma). This practice will foster profound personal transformation at the same as it participates in weaving the meshwork of transformation for the larger context of local, global and kosmic community.As a commitment to compassion and care for all beings, our practices seek to help everyone be as healthy as possible at whatever evolutionary stage they are at while simultaneously creating the conditions for positive growth through both horizontal and vertical enlightenment.

Featured Contributors

Dr. Marc Gafni holds his doctorate from Oxford University. He is a rabbi and an iconoclastic teacher of Kabbalah and World Spirituality. He is the Director of Integral Spiritual Experience. He is a core founder and spiritual director of iEvolve: Center for World Spirituality. He has written seven books, including the national bestseller Soul Prints, and The Mystery of Love, an exploration of the relationship between the sexual, the erotic, and the sacred. Gafni’s teaching is marked by a deep transmission of open heart, love and leading edge provocative wisdom.

Sally Kempton, formerly known as Swami Durgananda, is recognized as a powerful meditation guide and as a spiritual teacher who integrates yogic philosophy with daily life. She is the author of The Heart of Meditation, and writes the popular Wisdom column for Yoga Journal. A teacher in the tantric tradition of Kashmir Shaivism Sally conducts conducts workshops and retreats on applied philosophy and meditation. Sally is also an anchor teacher of Integral Spiritual Experience.

Dr. Warren Farrell is the author of many books, including two award-winning international best-sellers, Why Men Are The Way They Are and The Myth of Male Power. He conducts corporate training and is the only man in the US to have been elected three times to the Board of Directors of the National Organization for Women. He is a teacher, business owner and has done expert witness work in the sex discrimination and sexual harassment area for the US Air Force.

Terry Patten is a Certified Integral Coach and a co-author of the book Integral Life Practice. He has worked for many years with Ken Wilber and Integral Institute. He is committed to serving the emergence of Integral consciousness–by writing and educating, and by helping conscious individuals and organizations negotiate extraordinary transitions. A community-builder, entrepreneur, and author of four books, Terry has worked for over three decades as a philosopher, activist, coach, and teacher, helping leaders embody higher consciousness in practical actions that transform complex systems.

Decker Cunov is the Executive Director & Founder of AuthenticWorld, committed to inspiring people towards more fulfilling relationships. He’s spent the last decade working successfully with everyone from soldiers to teenagers, from the clinically dysfunctional to doctors & lawyers, from a mechanic in Wisconsin to top level executives across the country, helping them reach unprecedented levels of success in relationship in organic and profound ways.

Dustin Diperna spent two years at Integral Institute from 2003-2005 working for both the seminar team and Integral Spiritual Center. Inspired by all that he experienced, Dustin left I-I to begin writing full time about the nexus of religion and psychological development. He recently completed his first book Developmental Religious Pluralism: A Brief Introduction to Integral Religious Studies — to be released by Integral Books sometime next year.

Cutting-Edge Event Format

We live in a context where many of us have outgrown traditional forms of religion. This means that pre-modern, ethnocentric versions of our world’s traditions no longer have the capacity to meet our modern and postmodern needs. The integrative space of a World Spirituality allows our great religious traditions to evolve from ethnocentric to world-centric, and even to kosmocentric consciousness. World Spirituality allows us all to move forward together, beyond the limitations of traditional religion, while still embracing all of the valuable insights and gifts of the past.

Our annual practice retreat of love and activism is itself an example of World Spirituality practice: it is designed to engage you cognitively, inter-personally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We will employ a balance of theoretical and experiential, as well as individual and group, learning sessions–all woven together into a vital, comprehensive, and balanced awareness.

We will also focus on helping you develop and strengthen your own World Spirituality practice. Each day will consist of deep engagement in dharma (spiritual teachings), practice, and experiential and relational exercises, including:

  • Meditation
  • Prayer Reloaded
  • Chant & Kirtan
  • Yoga, Psyche, & Movement
  • Sacred Text Study: An Integral Approach
  • Practice of Enacting a “Higher We”

One of the primary goals of this practice retreat is to facilitate a network–and an on-going support system–of spiritual practitioners around the globe. Join our online practice community and register for our free membership to meet your community members before the event. The journey starts now!


Sunday, July 17th

Theme: World Spirituality: Love and Activism

Monday, July 18th

Theme: The Evolution of Pleasure: Pleasure Reloaded

Tuesday, July 19th

Theme: Evolutionary Intimacy: Sex, Love, and Friendship

Wednesday, July 20th

Theme:Evolutionary Activism & Responsibility: Living Beyond Narcissism

Thursday, July 21st

Theme: Evolutionary Liberation: Freedom Beyond “Exclusive Identification” with Ego

Friday, July 22nd

Theme: Evolutionary Purpose and Obligation: Awakening to Your Unique Self

Saturday, July 23rd

Theme: Evolutionary Love: Incarnating the “Evolutionary Impulse”

Sunday, July 24th

Theme: Evolutionary Ecstasy: The Mad Happy Dance of Integral Enlightenment


World Spirituality Annual Practice Retreat of Love and Activism
Evolutionary Integral Relationships

7 Days | 7 Teachers | 49 Modules
July 17th – July 24th | Berkeley, California

  • $849 Individuals
  • $1499 Couples


Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator