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Why World Spirituality? Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Integral Religion » World Spirituality » Why World Spirituality? Marc Gafni

Dearest friends,

Below are a few thoughts that I want to share in simple and clear terms in regard to why evolving a World Spirituality is the urgent need and great adventure of our time. I jotted these thoughts down together with Ken Wilber, and Tami Simon, with who I am working closely in catalyzing, articulating, and serving the emergence of the an authentic World Spirituality that has the potential to provide a context of meaning for hundreds of millions of people. This is a work in progress. Here are some first thoughts…

We believe that the cogent articulation of a World Spirituality that speaks compellingly to the hundreds of millions of people who are already at World-Centric consciousness may well be the most important next move that we can make in the evolution of consciousness.

For the first time in history, the core challenges to survival we face today are not local to a particular religion, country, or region. They are world challenges, ranging from the very real threats to the ground we walk on and the air we breathe, to world hunger, to the danger of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of a rogue state, to the most pressing issues of social and economic justice. There is no place left to hide, and the spiritual truth of the interconnectedness of all things is no longer a hidden teaching but an obvious truth. Whenever new life conditions come to pass, an evolutionary leap in consciousness and culture is required to meet them. The global challenges we face require the evolution of a new spiritual consciousness in which we realize that what unites us is so much greater then what divides us: we need a World Spirituality. [more+]

Click here to discover why enacting a World Spirituality is the urgent need and great adventure of our time!

With huge love,

Marc Gafni
Co-founder, Director, Author
Center for World Spirituality

P.S. Attend the Center for World Spirituality grand opening service and celebration on Saturday, March 5th in San Francisco, CA. Can’t make it? Join us on the webcast!


Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator