At the very first ever Integral Spiritual Experience, Dr. Marc Gafni laid the foundation for the next spiritual step in integral theory – The Future of Enlightenment: Your Unique Self. The journey begins with excitement, vitality, and dedication to awakening our Unique Selves. But what are the obstacles to realizing your Unique Self? As one makes the leap from True Self to Unique Self, what are some of the common pitfalls spiritual practitioners encounter? And how can we navigate these obstacles more skillfully and with more discernment? In this audio dialogue between Don Beck, Founder of Spiral Dynamics and Dr. Marc Gafni, spiritual teacher and founder of iEvolve: Center for World Spirituality, Don and Marc explore with us the many obstacles one may encounter on the Unique Self journey. If you’re a spiritual practitioner, this is a dialogue for you!
Obstacles to Unique Self
Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Right-click to download free MP3. Don Beck has been developing, implementing, and teaching the evolutionary theory of Spiral Dynamics for more than three decades. Beck has elaborated upon the work of his mentor, Clare Graves, to develop a multidimensional model for understanding the evolutionary transformation of human values and cultures. He co-founded the National Values Institute and is CEO of the Spiral Dynamics Group, Inc.He has used Spiral Dynamics for over thirty years to find solutions to real problems, including over sixty visits to South Africa between 1981 to 1988 to inspire solutions for a peaceful transition from apartheid.