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The 14 Tracks of Integral Relationship Practice at Integral Spiritual Experience 2 with Marc Gafni!

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Events with Marc Gafni » The 14 Tracks of Integral Relationship Practice at Integral Spiritual Experience 2 with Marc Gafni!

After last month’s post on the Top Five Reasons to Attend Integral Spiritual Experience 2, December 29th, 2010 — January 2nd, 2011 at Asilomar Retreat Center in Pacific Grove, California, we felt it was important to share an even greater reason to attend, and to give you a deeper taste of what you’ll experience at ISE 2…

During our 5 days together at ISE 2, guided by a group of amazing Spiritual teachers, leaders, and authors: Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Joan Borysenko, Dr. Marc Gafni, Daphne Rose Kingma, Warren Farrell, Diane Musho Hamilton, Sally Kempton, Gordon Dveirin, Sofia Diaz, Jun Po Kelly Roshi, Arjuna and Chameli Ardagh, Gabriel and Shanti Cousens, Saniel Bonder, Linda Groves-Bonder, Tami Simon,  Julie Kramer, Terry Patten, Joanne Hunt, John Forman, Michael Mugaku Zimmerman, Rabbi Gershon Winkler, Jeff Salzman, Rabbi Miriam Maron, Laura Divine, Clint Fuhs, Wil Sidika Bass, Jessica Roemischer, Almasta Faber, Vidyuddeva, Rob McNamara, Huy Lam, Rollie Stanich, and more, we will engage three tracks of Integral Relationship practice each day, each with a different teacher. You can choose your own path through these tracks that will either allow you to go deep with a teacher in one particular area of practice, or get a taste of several.

Here’s a sneak-peak of the Integral Spiritual Experience 2 design!

The 14 Tracks of Integral Relationship Practice at ISE 2
Gender Bending: Evolving an Integral Masculine and Feminine

Love and Pain: Your Relationship with Spirit

Guided by Love: Accessing Inner Guidance

The Integral Couple: Fanning the Flames of a Deeper Love

Unique Self Relationships: Transforming Face-to-Face

The Food of Love: Creating an Enlightened Body

Develop or Die: The Urgent Need for Integral Family

Working for Love, Loving at Work: Bringing Genuine Heart into Organizations

Eros and Conflict: The Student/Teacher Relationship

Love and Evolutionary Activism: Loving in and for the World

Integral Gay & Lesbian Relationships: Same Sex, Different Perspectives

Alternative Configurations: New Homes for Love

Integral Sexuality: Getting it On in All Four Quadrants

Domination and Submission: Negotiating Power in Relationships

What Integral Relationship practice tracks are you most excited to engage? And which ones push you to your practice edge?

With Integral Love,

Kelly Sosan Bearer
Integral Spiritual Experience

P.S. You can now become a Sponsor of Integral Spiritual Experience 2 and share your work with 10,000+ people in our extended community! Click here for more details.


Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator