As a member of the Integral Community, I’m sure you’ve heard about Integral Spiritual Experience 2: The Future of Love held December 29th – January 2nd, at Asilomar Retreat Center in Pacific Grove, California. Since we launched registration of the second year of our five-year journey, we’ve shared personal invitations from Ken Wilber, Dr. Marc Gafni, Diane Musho Hamilton, Sally Kempton, and Robb Smith. We’ve introduced you to the amazing Integral Spiritual teachers and leaders who will be guiding our journey as we make the move from Unique Self to Unique Relationships. We offered you a sneak-peak into the ISE 2 Design Room, announcing our Keynote line-up including Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Dr. Marc Gafni, and Warren Farrell. We’ve even invited you to meet your ISE 2 teachers early on the Future of Love Teleseries, laying down the theoretical foundation for the biggest Integral Spiritual Practice event in the world! We’ve updated you on the featured ISE 2 Topics that include: Integral Evolutionary Relationships, Student/Teacher Relationships, Marriage and Long-Term Partnership, Parenting, New Models for Relationship, Spiritual Divorce, Alternative Relationships, Love, Eros, and Ecstasy! We’ve offered an incredible Early-Bird rate that expires on July 1st. And we even created a payment plan option, at your request, to make it easier for you to attend.
But why should you really attend Integral Spiritual Experience 2: The Future of Love?
1. Your One Life Can Transform that of Thousands
ISE 2 will be a gathering that transforms our “love lives” on both a personal and collective level. Because we explore a vision of where relationships can evolve for all humankind, and because each of you are an example for so many, it is no exaggeration to say that each and every one of us matters–we truly want and need you to engage in this journey with us. Take part in the ultimate spiritual practice–be the one to boldly engage yourself in love and relationship, for the benefit of all those you come into contact with, every day. Let us help you, as they say, be the change, walk the talk, and practice what you preach…and others will surely follow.
2. Unprecedented Access to Diverse Teachers and Practices
A Rabbi, a Priest, a Sensei, and a Yogini walked into an event…and the rest was history! In all seriousness, where else can you spend 5 days in the presence of over 30 master teachers from such diverse paths as Kashmir Shaivism to Shamanism, from Christianity to Zen Buddhism? Add relationship experts, Integral philosophers, co-teaching couples, authors, musicians, poets, and artists-and what do you have-a truly unprecedented and historic opportunity to learn about the Future of Love. Are you searching for the ultimate practice to bring more intimacy to your relationship? Are you looking to preserve a long-term connection to your partner, or leave consciously with grace and dignity? Are you looking for a teacher? Whether you’re coming with a specific inquiry about spirituality, love, and relationship, or just want to experience a taste of many of the best ways to live and love, ISE 2 is the place for you to be.
3. The Next Buddha is a Sangha
Attending ISE 2, gets us offline, unplugged, and fully stepping into the “WE” space to truly experience, practice, and embody the Integral vision! You’ll be in the best company on the planet, with 500 practitioners of the Integral Spiritual Community, from over 33 countries across the globe. We’ve heard it before, but it couldn’t be more true: relationship is our greatest teacher. So join the Sangha, in the flesh, ready for the profound transformation that can only happen in the presence of other committed practitioners. “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”
4. Learn to Roll with the Sometimes Messy Process of Loving
Moment to moment, whether you want to or not, you are Living the emergent quality of loving. How many times–a day–do you wish you could be more present, authentic, and true in your relationships, showing up more fully as your Unique Self? It can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help by offering the most cutting edge practices available to help you more lovingly engage the evolution of Love. If you are ready to take the next and arguably the most important step in your spiritual journey, then there is no better place to be than at ISE 2 in December.
5. ISE 2 is the best New Year’s Celebration Alternative Around
There you are, an Integral Evolutionary, freezing your butt off outside waiting for some glittered snow globe to descend and mark the beginning of a new year. Everyone is drunk, beyond the point of relaxation and fun, and you think to yourself, Why did I do this again? Make a deep and lasting “resolution” to your Higher Self, and join us! 

If the New Year is a time for you to be together with your family, don’t hesitate to bring them along. Besides, what better way is there to practice relationships then a family vacation! We’re offering couple pricing, and whether they decide to attend or not, we’ll have some fun family programming, no Integral required!
Here is a great list of ways to ring in the New Year with ISE 2:
But more importantly, what are your top 5 reasons to attend ISE 2?