Dear friends,
Welcome to World Spirituality: Spirit’s Next Move? Teleseries!
During our14-part series together we will engage and dialogue with San Francisco Bay Area’s leading-edge thinkers, teachers, and scholars from all the great traditions to chart the principles and practices of a sustainable World Spirituality.
Free Registration:
Our hosts for this series are the co-founders of the Center for World Spirituality, Dr. Marc Gafni.
You can engage live by phone or webcast, or download the complete recording anytime after the live call.
Please add to your address book to ensure you receive our latest updates as we announce our weekly series.
June 1st Dialogue:
Sofia Diaz is a hatha yoga master, a lineage holder in the Balasaraswati lineage of South Indian temple arts and a recipient of numerous meditation empowerments in both Tibetan and Shakta Tantric traditions . She turns the body wisdom practices she is empowered in into accessible teachings and practices for the modern western mind. Being an inspired woman practitioner, the rigors of her practice have resulted in great clarity and expertise in the domain of Feminine Spiritual practice, which she has been generously teaching for 27 years. She is also a core founder and faculty of iEvolve: Global Practice Community.
Dr. Marc Gafni is a rabbi and iconoclastic teacher of Kabbalah and World Spirituality. He is a core founder and faculty member of iEvolve Global Practice Community as well as director of the Integral Life Spiritual Center of Integral Life. He has written seven books, including the national bestseller Soul Prints, and The Mystery of Love, a Kabbalistic exploration of the relationship between the sexual, the erotic, and the sacred. Gafni’s teaching is marked by a deep transmission of open heart, love and leading edge provocative wisdom. Gafni’s path of personal evolution, in both the agony and the ecstasy of what he calls “sacred autobiography,” woven together with profound reverence and reading of sacred texts have formed the context for his personal realization. It is from this place of broken-hearted humility, radical joy and sacred audacity that he teaches.
Click here to see the full line-up and schedule for our Spirit’s Next Move? teleseries.