90 Sits in 90 Days: Take the iEvolve 90-Day Meditation Challenge!
Participation is FREE!
Starts March 1st
Don’t Miss our 90 Sits in 90 Days Virtual Meditation Challenge as we prepare for…
Sign-up to participate in the email capture below.
Meditate 1 hour everyday for 90 days in a row. You can sit for 60-minutes straight, two 30- minute periods, or 4 15-minute periods. Whatever works for you. Either way, that’s 90 hours of meditation under your belt! Start Spring 2010 off right and re-energize your practice and your life with our 90 day meditation challenge.
As a participant you will be invited to participate in a daily, private online practice forum and group to blog, comment, and discuss your meditative experiences and journey with our 90 Day Challenge participants. You’ll be given a FREE member profile and blog at iEvolve: Global Practice Community. All you need is a cushion!
Use our iEvolve global practice community for check-ins, feedback and to support you and your practice. This is the Ultimate Virtual Meditation Challenge!!
You will receive an email following your registration with details on how to join our Private, Online Practice Forum.