coat of many colors. A fine Persian rug. An exquisite symphony.
Your life. What do these uncommon items have in
common? Each is a weaving
together of threads of Infinite
Substance to create a unique and magnificent expression
of the One Life.
At this year’s ANTN Conference,
we will enter a space where the sacred tapestry of Life is honored and
revered. Weaving together threads of Connection, Abundance, Creativity
and Heart, we will experience five days cocooned in the richness of spiritual
communion and retreat.
Whether your soul longs to be soothed,
your heart yearns to be re-energized, or your dreams call to be empowered,
your desires will be fulfilled at this conference. Every speaker and activity
has been prayerfully selected to weave together the perfect experience
for all.
The beautiful Franciscan Renewal
Center (The Casa) in Phoenix, Arizona, will serve as our conference site.
With the feel of a monastery set against the backdrop of magnificent mountains
and a desert in bloom, this site is dedicated to the sacred experience
of Spirit.
This conference promises deep and
profound blessings to all who attend.
Join us and empower the
sacred tapestry that
is your Life.