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Daily Wisdom Post, The Democratization of Enlightenment

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Daily Wisdom Post » Enlightenment » World Spirituality » Daily Wisdom Post, The Democratization of Enlightenment

In a globally interconnected world, one person acting alone or a small group of ignorant individuals has the ability to literally destroy humanity. This is a pointing-out instruction by the universal love-intelligence. Said simply, reality is telling us something that we desperately need to know. The lesson is clear for better and for worse, the age of ruling elites, be they spiritual or political, is over.

Democracy is the evolutionary unfolding of love-intelligence in our era. It began with the democratization of govern-ments. Now it must move to the democratization of enlightenment, and enlightenment of your True Self beyond personality and ego, which then expresses itself in the full glory and power of your Unique Self.

Enlightenment is a genuine possibility, and therefore a sacred obli-gation, for every single person. You are not obligated from without. You are obligated in love by your own highest possibility.

Marc Gafni,
Center for World Spirituality

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