In the ecstasy of the festival the pilgrim reaches the consciousness which moves him to cry out, “If I am here all is here.” The Zohar explains that if I who am the Shechina is here then all is here. The description is one of virtual unio mystica. A shift in perception takes place in which the individual leaves his isolating identity behind and imagines himself as part of the divine body. This results not in a loss of self but in the total reinvigoration of self as an infinitely unique reflection of God’s face. When the pilgrim feels seen and loved, he is able to open his heart and let it overflow in joy. He himself becomes a lover. That joy and love, writes the medieval sage Maimonides, must express itself in acts of kindness and love, which he in turn does for others.
The pilgrim becomes a lover once again. He is able to love himself, God, the world, and most importantly, his community and family.
This is the essence of the Holy of Holies: to become a lover and a seer. To love is to become God’s verb. To love is to see with God’s eyes.
The Mystery of Love
Dr. Marc Gafni
Pages 126, 127
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