Continued from yesterday. Good morning everyone. A gorgeous day to you all. This pattern of arousal from above, followed by a fall to which we need to respond with avodah — human work — is not only the pattern of love in relationship. It reveals ...
Continued from yesterday. Good morning everyone. A gorgeous day to you all. This pattern of arousal from above, followed by a fall to which we need to respond with avodah — human work — is not only the pattern of love in relationship. It reveals ...
“Joy whose hand is ever at his lips, Bidding adieu.” (Keats) Suddenly finding ourselves having to work for what was first experienced as a gift of magical purity can be infuriating, until we realize that losing paradise is not a cruel personal pu ...
Vessels and Light Light is the symbol of love. When the vessels are repaired then they will once again be able to hold the light. So falling in love is somewhat like gazing directly into the midday sun: we cannot contain the light without first prepa ...
So picking up from yesterday. There are three reasons for this essential pattern of the spirit rooted in the sexual and expressed so powerfully in love and Eros. One: Kabbalists begin from the clarity of personal experience. We do not work to fall in ...
Hitting Ground The only problem with falling in love, or so it would seem, is that we are never able to keep falling: eventually we always hit the ground. Much like the initial core certainty of parental love, romantic love is often lost and needs to ...
So the baby and the child and then the teenager get stuck behind these walls that we have come to call ego. In fact, as a society, we support and prop up these walls with phrases like “healthy ego,” “strength,” and the like, but, despite the ...
We all know the throbbing raw pain which we call loneliness. We feel essentially disconnected — our very essence is misunderstood. Misunderstood We call this misunderstanding loneliness. Loneliness is, on one level, the inability to share my soul p ...
Before Boundaries Maternal love is the movement from onement to separation. Romantic love is the move from separation to onement. -Erich Fromm ‘The Sane Society’ What is the inside of the falling in love experience? In the first months of life, t ...
As in Sex, so in Love In both love and sex, this is the necessary and elegant erotic pattern. It is enormously important to fall in love. It is a true erotic perception. Everything it teaches us is true. And it is enormously important to fall out of ...
Falling in love is not only purposeful, it also invests us with a sense of intention, meaning and energy. The love fall breaks the alienation of cosmic loneliness in our hearts. It ends our isolation and breathes us full of inspiration. Falling in lo ...
posted by Marc Gafni assistant Sudden Stunning Significance A few years ago, I saw a wonderfully long, obscure film by Claude Lelouche. Though it never explicitly mentioned it, it was fully a film about falling in love. We followed three generations ...
Okay – now we will unpack together the stages of falling in love… The Fall “Each Note” Advice doesn’t help lovers They’re not the kind of mountain stream You can build a dam across. An intellectual doesn’t know What the drunk is ...
Like all the paths of love and eros, it is modeled in the sexual. In the sexual — the time of strong attraction — all other issues recede and the beloved is seen as infinitely desirable. The drive towards union is strong and for a short time Unio ...
Eventually we fall out of love and realize that we were totally blind — how could we not have seen this or that!? What hoodwinked fools we were! It is for this reason that most books on the subject actually suggest that falling in love has nothing ... the last two blogs I got a bit ahead of myself so with your permission I want to retrace our steps and unfold this falling in love mystery step by gentle step. Okay, ready to go? Here is the next step! Agatha Christie, after marrying Sir Max ...