New set of blogs starting here… The Second Path of Hebrew Tantra: At this point that we are ready to embark on the next three Hebrew Tantric paths of loving. They are Giving (Transcendence), Giving and Receiving, and Giving up Control (Surrende ...
New set of blogs starting here… The Second Path of Hebrew Tantra: At this point that we are ready to embark on the next three Hebrew Tantric paths of loving. They are Giving (Transcendence), Giving and Receiving, and Giving up Control (Surrende ...
posted by Marc Gafni assistant I want to be a lover. You want to be a lover. Together we are charting the course of love. What a tremendous privilege to journey with you, to share with you the secret of the cherubs, to be in awe together over the mys ...
The sum which two lovers owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite debt, which can only be discharged through all eternity. Goethe, “Elective Affinities” marc gafni posted on share comments below or on info@marcgafni. ...
When we meet our soul mate we think we meet for the first time. The Kabbalah teaches that this is almost never the case. The great existential idea of the soul’s reincarnation is that we are not strangers to each other. Especially not to the person ...
Dedicated to Katherine and her holy work: The Scholar and the Onion Sellers Daughter One day the Baal Shem Tov, as he was wont to do, stopped for a visit in a small village market. He came upon an old woman. With one hand she begged from the crowd, w ...
Palga Gufa – The Divided Soul It is said that the students asked Israel Master of the Name, “When you pass on, will you ascend to heaven in flaming fire?” “No,” Israel answered sadly. “I had thought I would, but now that my holy wife ...
From Back to Back to Face to Face Let’s pull it together! We are born back to back, says Luria. This refers to the state before you become conscious. The goal is to leave your father and mother — that is, to become conscious of your father and mo ...
Back To Back — The Palace of Love Now let’s apply what we have talked about so far, to how we understand falling in love and the love choices it moves us to make. Lurianic mysticism teaches that we have a roshem, an image or imago in Jungian term ...
In the Sorrow With all of our focus on consciousness, we do not mean to say that the only life worth living is one that is totally healed. Indeed, no one is ever fully healed or fully conscious. Letting go of the need for full healing or full conscio ...
cont’d from yesterday… Or it could happen in just the opposite way: you could marry someone cold through whom you hope to fix the relation to your father. “If I can warm him up,” your unconscious mind tells you, “then I will heal th ...
cont’d from yesterday – how do we recover the self we lost… Recognize the Archetype Second, we will look to recover our lost self through the archetype of our parent. When you meet a person who is similar to your father or your moth ...
picking up from yesterday… So let’s start with prerequisite for intimacy number one: Leaving your father and mother. No parent is perfect. No parent can fully meet all of their children’s needs. Children though are formed in the cauldrons o ...
cont’d from yesterday… The word in the Biblical myth text for intimate is devekut, cleaving, which is also the Hebrew word for glue. Devekut is Intimate Communion. For the Kabbalists the word devekut is virtually synonymous with love. Wha ...
posted by Gafni assistant Conscious and Unconscious loving The most powerful Biblical myth image on choosing a partner is undoubtedly: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother — be intimate with his lover and they shall be one flesh ...