Tomorrow we will – God willing- start the next stage of our journey of Eros.
We will try and begin to understand what it all means; How Eros and Sexuality and Love are related. Why sexuality is so frightening to so many people, how it becomes a mask behind which so much genuine abuse, cowardice, and fear hides.
We will try and understand the deep teaching of the temple mysteries which tell us how the sexual becomes a God- a false god- which instead of teaching us about Eros -displaces Eros.
And we will try and find our way back to the decency, integrity and simple human goodness that well out of eros and ethos- that expresses itself in the natural pleasure bond between between lovers in all the many models of relationship which God made available to us.
But before we begin that sacred conversation tomorrow- with your permission I want to re-iterate for you -and for me -what drives this entire conversation for me- why I think it is so desperately important.
We all live in our narrowed circles of caring. So many of us make compromises, sell out, betray those closest to us in systematic and deliberate ways, often in the name of the good we want to do in the world.
So many of us are driven by ratings, by the desperate need to make good, to be accepted, to be be viewed as successful in our chosen endeavor- be that business, politics or spirit.
I promise you; Spiritual entrepreneurs are every bit as corrupt as old drilling entrepreneurs. For both eros has died.
It is only true Eros that can bring us home. True Eros is the full experience of my infinitely valuable and gorgeously unique existence. I exist. My existence is good. I matter. I am love and I am loved. All lives in me even as I live in the all. I care for all. All cares for me. Pleasure not pain is my birthright and my gift. And pain when it happens invites my evolution and is never to be idolized into a new victim identity. My identify is my identity with the divine. I am part of God. I am a baby faced divine. I am the evolutionary edge of unfolding divinity even as I am a humble and frail mortal with a Ca. drivers license. That is the truth of Eros.
marc gafni
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