The Heruta story needs to be read as a critique of Hiyya who is blind both to himself and to those who love him. Hiyya cannot be a lover because he has no perception. Hiyya is blinded by spiritual ego.
Disappearing Spouse Syndrome
There is a wonderful biblical myth pre-marriage ceremony called Tenaim. It represents the mystical merging of the two souls that occurs even before the wedding. It is a spiritual pre-nuptial agreement, in which we read a bill of mutual commitment where both sides commit “Not to run away and not to disappear.” Seems redundant, if you do not run away of course you will not disappear! That is, unless you remain physically present and are yet not available.
Or worse, you cause your partner to disappear. You do everything you are supposed to do; in the kitchen, in the bedroom and in the salon, but your partner has not long since disappeared from your consciousness. You are physically present but you have disappeared.
marc gafni
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