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On Eros and Holiness, Sanity, Speed Racer, Kabbalah, Why I Teach, Torah, Liberation, Humiliation and Humility, Non Duality, Part and Whole, The Holy of Holies and Thank You Larry. Part Four: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Blog-Series: Eros & Holiness » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Integral Evolutionary Kabbalah » The Pain of Eros » On Eros and Holiness, Sanity, Speed Racer, Kabbalah, Why I Teach, Torah, Liberation, Humiliation and Humility, Non Duality, Part and Whole, The Holy of Holies and Thank You Larry. Part Four: Marc Gafni

marc gafni
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Speed Racer Lives Lishmah; For its own Sake.

Or in the second translation; Lishmah means — For the sake of the Name;

You become a manifestation, a stunning, shimmering and glimmering diamond on the crown of God’s name. You become God’s name.

For God’s name is the expression of every unique being — living their story —

impressing their story on the lips of God,

in divine kiss where giving and receiving are one,


for it’s own sake —Lishmah,

in the full aliveness and joy that is the birth right

and natural state of every being.

And if you live from that place, HaMakom, the place,

then ultimately all of the posturing of power and pomposity,

all of the corruptions in the leadership,

all the failures of love,

all of the duplicity, decadence and desperation of those who have betrayed and abandoned you

no longer matter.

Your heroic soul overcomes the hysterias of self-protection and contraction rooted in the hubris of the desperate and deluded self.

Your heart expands and your re-member.

You re-member who you are.

Not merely in your mind. Not only in your heart.

But in your body.

In your toenails.

The cowardice of those who betrayed you,
those who were willing to leave to die in the streets
does not matter.

It does not matter if you might have gone to prison and been raped in the courtyard because you have been convicted on false complaints.
These dreams of being raped in prison that haunted you — or is that me-
that haunted for months
evaporate into the grounded bliss of your self
that has woken up to it’s true nature.
Your true nature.
My true nature.

Teaches Isaac Chaver — 19th century mystic-

Enter your true nature and you enter God.

None of it matters. All of it matters. And it is all okay.

You cannot go to prison because you are free. Fully free and Liberated.

Song rises from your throat. You shatter all the prison cells of your soul.

Your prayer rises and your song awakes the heavens that live in you.

All of creation sings with you and through you

even as you are the creator and all of creation
at the same time.

You forgive your betrayers even as you ask them to forgive you —

for you realize together — that it is all

all okay

total good.

The dance of desperation becomes the dance of eros.

Simple compassion, loyalty,

the private intimacy of a communication which is honest and true

with a brother who betrayed you,

left you to die,

is enough to set your heart aflame

with a fire so hot

that it burns through all anger and hatred

melts all of the walls

and warms all the cold places

in your heart

in his heart

as you realize

that even the betrayal

was an illusion.

Yes the story matters.

And so does forgiveness

For we do not know the measure of our debt

Nor the method of our atonement

There simply is no separation.

The Zohar, the canonical text of Hebrew wisdom writes-

Sin is Separation.

It is alienation from your true nature as a baby faced divine.

Thank you Dante.

God is beyond you.

You —I —We fall on the ground fully prostrated in worship- faithful to all of the boundaries of the temple.

And as we lay on the ground prostrated the spirit of the divine flows through raising us up to our feet, tall, proud with the pride of Source,

fully alive,

on fire,
ecstatic, humble, living, loving and laughing

with skillful means and open hearts through the pain.

That is what it means to live for it’s own sake.
To live for the Name.

To live as the name. To look in the eyes of your lover-

NO not merely your romantic partner —

but in the eyes of the bus driver, the waiter, the postman- the persons who cuts you off in traffic —
and cry out Oh God. Oh God… Oh God…

Go Speed Racer. Go Speed Racer. Go Speed Racer Go…

Marc Gafni

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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator