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Trans-lineage Dharma Practice Community with Marc Gafni and iEvolve

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Trans-Lineage Dharma Practice Community


The future of our world depends on the great realization of love: that which unites us is infinitely greater then that which divides us. For the first time in the history of the human race, we are able to rise beyond the place of our birth, our religion of origin, our family circle and choose to live our highest truth. This truth transcends and includes all of our personal history even as it invites us to our singular and unique evolutionary destiny.

The spiritual teaching for this age must be drawn from all of the great traditions of Spirit, pre-modern, modern, and post-modern. These great understandings must be lovingly integrated into a space of open heart, community and dharmic insight that has the power and the compassion to guide us on the next stage of our personal and global journey.

The lineages are the great teachings of spirit developed by the great communities and masters of all the ages in all parts of the globe. Trans-lineage means that we are moving towards transcending and including the Great Heart, Mind, and Body truths of all these lineages into an evolutionary integral spiritual teaching. This is a down to earth, elegant, gorgeous teaching which addresses all facets of your Unique Life.

The topics we will cover are the Trans-lineage path to Enlightenment, The Play of Masculine and Feminine, Global Responsibility, Everyday Eros, Relationships, Reading Reality, the path to your Unique Self, Evolutionary Integrity, Integral Wisdom, and Judeo-Christain and Sufi Mysticism as a guide to daily life, plus much more.

At iEvolve we are creating an inner circle of Trans-lineage Dharma students. The lead Trans- lineage Dharma transmission teacher and teachings will come from iEvolve and Integral Evolutionary Spiritual Leader Dr. Marc Gafni.

Dr. Marc was raised in the of the Great Esoteric tradition of the West, Kabbalah and is deeply inside many of the other Great traditions, East and West.

The Trans-lineage Dharma track will meet live, twice a year for it’s own Trans-lineage Dharma events as we create this sub-community within iEvolve.

For more information, please sign up for our Trans-lineage Practice Community. We will announce our free offerings and live event schedule in the early Fall. Visit

Dr. Marc Gafni is a rabbi and iconlastic teacher of Kabbalah and Evolutionary Spirituality. He is a core founder and faculty member of iEvolve: Global Practice Community as well as director of the Integral Life Spiritual Center of Integral Life. He has written seven books, including the national bestseller Soul Prints, and The Mystery of Love, a Kabbalistic exploration of the relationship between the sexual, the erotic, and the sacred. Gafni’s teaching is marked by a deep transmission of open heart, love and leading edge provocative wisdom. Gafni’s path of personal evolution, in both the agony and the ecstasy of what he calls “sacred autobiography,” woven together with profound reverence and reading of sacred texts have formed the context for his personal realization. It is from this place of broken-hearted humility, radical joy and and sacred audacity that he teaches.

Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator