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Falling in Love: Part Thirty Nine: Called From the Future: Soul Roots: Marc Gafni

Marc Gafni » Blog - Spiritually Incorrect » Blog-Series: Falling in Love » Eros-Ethics-Meaning » Tikkun Olam / Social Activism » Unique Self / Soul Prints » Falling in Love: Part Thirty Nine: Called From the Future: Soul Roots: Marc Gafni

Called from the Future — Soul Roots

Childhood and parental dynamics only form a very small part of the image of your intended. This brings us to the second great fallacy of much of contemporary psychology, which is the near dogmatic assumption that the healing of early childhood is our most important need and core desire. As such, it suggests that we are attracted to people who help in accomplishing that goal.

Much of psychology looks exclusively towards the past to chart our inner landscapes. This is a huge mistake. Again, it is rooted in outdated 19th century philosophies that view man as a mechanical contraption, where all things are based upon cause and effect. Thus the present can only have been caused by the past.

Yet, the wisdom of the planet has since begun recovering the spirit and reconnecting with the perennial philosophies that radically affirm the timeless soul.

We have learned that one’s essential character of soul is what we have called your soul print: your unique calling. Your soul print calls you not from your past but from your future. It calls you to rise and meet your destiny. The internal romantic image that gives you a rush when you encounter its likeness may well be a potential partner, but this is because your partner can rise with you in rising to meet your destiny.

Moreover, you come to this world with a karma of many life times. You may fall in love with someone who was part of your story in a different time. It could well be that you have unfinished business from that time.

One of the primary teachings of the Hebrew mystical traditions is that we are attracted to people with whom we share a common Soul Root. Soul Root is a term which means that we have a common source as well as a common destiny. Put even more concisely, we share a common tikkun — healing of the brokenness — that we are meant to effect in this world. This could happen by our healing each other. It could mean that there is a healing project we need to do together in the world. Or, as is most likely, it is some combination of the two.

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Meet Dr. Marc Gafni, Visionary Philosopher,
Author, and Social Innovator