It begins with little things: being willing to perceive the infinite specialness in people — what is beautiful and wonderful about someone — and identifying them with that wonder. Begin to internalize that who they really are is their grace and gorgeousness.
Their flaws — whatever they may be and however they may need to be addressed or integrated — are simply not their essence. Receive the highest and deepest in your friends and talk to that point in them. They will rise to meet you. Of course, all this is only possible if you first begin to perceive your self in the same way. Get up in the morning look in the mirror and say “I am special. I am me at my best.”
That is the first step towards loosening the fixities of the boundaries that keep you trapped in yourself — the perception of specialness. Ultimate love occurs when those boundaries disappear in a moment of illumination.
These moments are available to every human being. We are not supposed to live in them; we live because of them. They give us a directional signal to take back into the darkness. They remind us that battle lines and divisions are in the end illusions and that only love is real and love is one. Those are the moments when we see with God eyes.
marc gafni
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